CorelCAD 2017.5 Update - Release Notes
This update includes the following improvements and enhancements.
User Interface
- New dark user interface (UI) style: You can now switch between the default light UI style and a new dark UI. In the Options dialog, choose System Options > Display. In the User interface style area, choose Dark to change the UI color. Relaunch the application to apply the changes.
Productivity enhancements
- Functionality added to use @ prefix to specify relative angle values.
- Quick Input box now supports surveyor units.
- Undo and Redo now display a list of the recently used commands.
- Keyboard shortcuts added to modify multiple layouts at the same time.
- Print Screen data (screenshots) can now be pasted into a drawing using the Paste command (Ctrl+V) (Windows only).
- New External reference fading control allows semi-transparent display of referenced drawings.
Performance and stability
- Loading of large script files improved (LoadScript command).
- Layer option added to the Hatch / Fill dialog to create new hatches and gradient fills on specific layer.
- Improved Arc creation in custom coordinate systems.
- Improved Print Preview and output performance of specific drawings when printing to PDF.
- Printing quality enhancements for objects on locked layers when printing using external PDF drivers.
- Print quality for high resolution OLE data improved when printing to PDF (Windows only).
- Improved display of 3D shaded views.
- Offset command behavior enhanced for polylines.
- Improved visual quality of pasted OLE data from Microsoft Excel sheets (Windows only).
- Region command now has enhanced support for curved polyline segments.